Director Rajamouli wished Racha to be the biggest grosser in Ram Charan’s career. Which means Racha should surpass Magadheera, the numero uno film of Telugu cinema, as per his wish. Although that is a gigantic task for a film sans star director and novel elements, Racha do have the necessary ingredients to sail high at the box office.
Rajamouli who launched the theatrical trailer and teaser of Racha said that he liked the songs of Racha. He like Racha title song, Cherry Cherry and Vana Vana remix songs. He stated that they are racy and massy numbers.
Rajamouli believes that Charan has a winner album on hands. Interestingly, both their films Racha and Eega are lined up for summer release.
film news
Rajamouli who launched the theatrical trailer and teaser of Racha said that he liked the songs of Racha. He like Racha title song, Cherry Cherry and Vana Vana remix songs. He stated that they are racy and massy numbers.
Rajamouli believes that Charan has a winner album on hands. Interestingly, both their films Racha and Eega are lined up for summer release.
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