Dammu starring Young Tiger NTR, Trisha and Karthika in lead roles is hitting the screens on April 27. The film is carrying positive report in the industry and it is heard that second half is the soul of the movie. The duration of the film is 2 hr 39 minutes. The film is looking very stylish and rich with high technical values.
The songs are shot well and the comedy scenes involving Ali, Ahuti prasad and Brahmanandam are fantastic. Abhinaya and venu are playing a very crucial roles in this movie. The background music scored by MM Keeravani is surely one of his best in recent times. The first half offers loads of entertainment while the second half has twists much to the delight of the audience. The interval bang has been outstanding.
The Cinematography by Arther A Wilson will be one of the highlights of the film. Producer K S Rama Rao is planning to release the film with record number of prints. NTR’s performance with high energy and powerful dialogues will enthral the fans and audience, claims our source.
film news
The songs are shot well and the comedy scenes involving Ali, Ahuti prasad and Brahmanandam are fantastic. Abhinaya and venu are playing a very crucial roles in this movie. The background music scored by MM Keeravani is surely one of his best in recent times. The first half offers loads of entertainment while the second half has twists much to the delight of the audience. The interval bang has been outstanding.
The Cinematography by Arther A Wilson will be one of the highlights of the film. Producer K S Rama Rao is planning to release the film with record number of prints. NTR’s performance with high energy and powerful dialogues will enthral the fans and audience, claims our source.
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