The latest release Ram charan's Racha collections are phenomenal at box office. The latest buzz is that, Racha movie has collected an estimated amount of 41,37,00,000 crores share for 18 days. The new releases movie failed to attract the audience; the collections of Racha haven't witnessed any drop in the week of third. The movie Racha is now running successfully to packed houses in B and C centers and in some parts of A centers too. Overall, Racha movie has turned out to be a money spinner for the distributors and turned out to be one of the highest grossers of Tollywood.
Heck out the break-up for Racha 3 weeks collections (18 days) in crores (share).
Nizam 11,60,00,000
Vizag 3,75,00,000
East 2,49,00,000
West 2,22,00,000
Krishna 2,21,00,000
Guntur 3,92,00,000
Nellore 1,69,00,000
Ceeded 7,70,00,000
Total Collections (AP) : 35,52,00,000 crores
film news
Heck out the break-up for Racha 3 weeks collections (18 days) in crores (share).
Nizam 11,60,00,000
Vizag 3,75,00,000
East 2,49,00,000
West 2,22,00,000
Krishna 2,21,00,000
Guntur 3,92,00,000
Nellore 1,69,00,000
Ceeded 7,70,00,000
Total Collections (AP) : 35,52,00,000 crores
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