Ravi Teja and actress Richa Gangopadhyay who were earlier seen in the film Mirapakaya are once again pairing up in ‘Sir Vostaru’ being directed by Parasuram who registered a hit with Solo movie.
The film is currently progressing in Ooty and few scenes on Ravi Teja and Richa are being canned in the schedule. Apart from Richa Gangopadhyay, pretty actress Kajal Agarwal is playing the other leading lady in Sir Vostaru. The commercial mass entertainer is being produced by Aswini Dutt on Vyjayanthi Movies banner while Devi Sri Prasad is zeroed in to compose the musical scores.
According to the filmmakers, the dialogues and Ravi Teja’s histrionics and his typical style would be highlights of the film ‘Sir Vostaru’.
film news,
Richa Gangopadhyay
The film is currently progressing in Ooty and few scenes on Ravi Teja and Richa are being canned in the schedule. Apart from Richa Gangopadhyay, pretty actress Kajal Agarwal is playing the other leading lady in Sir Vostaru. The commercial mass entertainer is being produced by Aswini Dutt on Vyjayanthi Movies banner while Devi Sri Prasad is zeroed in to compose the musical scores.
According to the filmmakers, the dialogues and Ravi Teja’s histrionics and his typical style would be highlights of the film ‘Sir Vostaru’.
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